loading... Flowers By SchoutenHey ihr Lieben mein Name ist Marion Schouten, gelernte Dekorateurin und Floristin. Ich und der Kameramann, haben die Mission Deutschland schöner zumachen! Also wenn ihr DIY, Tipps, Tricks über Blu 119KGermany Engagement Rate4% Overall Score99 Estimated Price$2937 loading... 32.5K loading...121.7K |
loading... Mr. Unreal EstateImmobilien Entertainment und mehr! Wir versuchen euch interessante Einblicke in besondere Immobilien zu geben. #wannaseesomethingunreal 16.9KGermany Engagement Rate4.7% Overall Score99 Estimated Price$1034 loading... 27.7K loading...20.2K |
loading... Hausbau HeldenUnser Kanal "Hausbau Helden" ist die Inspirationsquelle und Online-Community für private Bauherren und alle, die es werden wollen! In unseren Haus-Touren zeigen wir euch Traumhäuser in Fertigbau-, M 115KGermany Engagement Rate1.9% Overall Score99 Estimated Price$1013 loading... 6.6K loading...72.8K |
loading... Marc AurelMeine Zeit auf YouTube: 2013-2015 unter dem Namen MrMCBuildings Minecraft Bau Videos produziert 2016-2017 unter dem Namen Taymetic Minecraft Bau- und Tutorial Videos produziert 2018-2019 unter dem 44.7KGermany Engagement Rate3.5% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$3350 loading... 44.3K loading...45K |
loading... Johann LoopHallo, ich bin Johann! Auf meinem Kinderkanal Johann Loop mache ich Videos, die mir Spaß machen und richtig lustig sind! Hier findest du meine Website: www.johann-loop.de Dieser Kanal wird von den E 352KGermany Engagement Rate0.8% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$36343 loading... 1.9M loading...374.5K |
loading... marleneslebenDie schönsten Bergtouren in den Alpen, die besten Wanderungen in Deutschland und coole Wintersportaktivitäten in den Bergen. Hier findest du Tipps und Inspirationen für deinen nächsten Ausflug ode 121KGermany Engagement Rate2.5% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$1675 loading... 82.8K loading...46.7K |
loading... Marvins ZweitkanalMarvins Zweitkanal ist der Zweitkanal von Marvin. ✖️Instagram ▸ http://www.instagram.com/marvin.wildhage ✖️Twitter ▸ https://twitter.com/marvinwildhage ✖️Podcast ▸ https://linktr.ee/keckundfrech ✖️A 126KGermany Overall Score98 Estimated Price$4585 loading... 31.1K loading...338.3K |
loading... Nessa ElessarHi, ich bin Nessa - Videographin, Psychologiestudentin und Künstlerin. Die auf diesem Kanal veröffentlichten Inhalte unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht und Leistungsschutzrecht. Der Kanal entha 75.9KGermany Engagement Rate4.1% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$2523 loading... 89.2K loading...270K |
loading... Ebru & TuncayImpressum / Business Contact / Geschäftsanfragen ____________________________________ Ebru Acikyol e.K. Vertreten durch die Inhaberin: Ebru Demir Birkenweg 10 72202 Nagold Deutschland Tel.: +49 1 412KGermany Engagement Rate2.4% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$4851 loading... 135.7K loading...156.5K |
loading... JulianMediaHouseWillkommen bei JulianMediaHouse, deiner Quelle für kreative DIY-Projekte, clevere Lifehacks und wertvolle Überlebenstipps in der Wildnis! Unser Kanal wurde mit der Leidenschaft für praktische Fähi 220KAustria Engagement Rate1.9% Overall Score98 Estimated Price$341 loading... 10.5K loading...17.1K |
loading... Lauren Angela DEHello! Mein Name ist Lauren, ich bin US-Amerikanerin aus Florida. Anfragen : 52.4KGermany Overall Score97 Estimated Price$2454 loading... 102K loading...46.1K |
loading... videopower1Wir produzieren Produkt- und Werbefilme überwiegend für die Landwirtschaft. Viele namenhafte deutsche und internationale Landmaschinenhersteller gehören zu unseren Kunden. Die neusten Produktionen 60.8KGermany Engagement Rate3.1% Overall Score97 Estimated Price$371 loading... 1.8K loading...2.5K |
loading... Diana DiamantaDaily new family vlogs about my life, as a selfemployed graphic-designer – mom of 3 kids (Patrick 11 years, Michelle 6 years, Lara 1 year) and now NEW-Youtuberin from LOWER Austria near to Vienna/Aust 65.1KAustria Engagement Rate4% Overall Score97 Estimated Price$302 loading... 3.6K loading...2.7K |
loading... Mayra JoannHey und herzlich Willkommen! Schön das du da bist: Ich bin Mayra Joann , ich habe Spanische Wurzeln und bin Mama von 2 wundervollen Kindern & drei British Langhaar Katzen :) Auf meinem Kanal geht es 64KGermany Engagement Rate6.1% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$308 loading... 2.8K loading...2.1K |
loading... TeacherTobyHallo Ihr, ich möchte diesen Kanal dazu nutzen, spannende Themen aus dem Bereich Erdkunde und Biologie mit euch zu teilen. LG und viel Spaß! 58.2KGermany Engagement Rate7.5% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$399 loading... 200 loading...6K |
loading... immocationErschaffe dir deine eigene Frührente mit Immobilien. immocation hilft dir mit strukturiertem Wissen und passenden Werkzeugen beim Verstehen und Umsetzen von deinem Vermögensaufbau mit Immobilien. 220KGermany Engagement Rate1.3% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$501 loading... 2.8K loading...6.6K |
loading... TipTapTube UncutHerzlich willkommen auf unserem Zweitkanal, auf dem alle TipTapTube Videos "UNCUT" sind. Was sind "UNCUT" Videos? Unbearbeitete, ungeschnittene Videos. So wie sie aus der Kamera kommen. Aber da s 107KGermany Engagement Rate7.6% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$391 loading... 2.4K loading...2.3K |
loading... immo tommyBist du interessiert daran oder auf dem Weg deine erste Immobilie anzuschaffen? Dann bist du hier richtig: einfach immo bringt dir Content aus dem Bereich Immobilien und Finanzen. Wir beantworten all 167KGermany Engagement Rate3% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$421 loading... 39.9K loading...5.2K |
loading... Henry Der SchrecklicheWillkommen, treue Mitglieder der Purple Hand Gang, in der Welt von König Heinrich dem Schrecklichen. Eine Welt, in der Sie brandneue und mega-schreckliche Videos aus meiner neuen Serie finden, sowie 193KGermany Engagement Rate1% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$749 loading... 1.7K loading...2.4K |
loading... MyLand ThailandWillkommen bei MyLand Thailand Thailand ist ein Ort, den jeder einmal besuchen sollte. Schöne Strände, Inseln, Natur, Tempel sowie gutes Essen und freundliche Menschen! Auf diesem Kanal findest du 42KSwitzerland Engagement Rate6.9% Overall Score96 Estimated Price$345 loading... 6.9K loading...13.5K |
How to Find the Best Writers on YouTube in 2024 (Top List Included)
YouTube, known for its diverse content, has become a hub for writers who share their expertise through video. From creative writing tips and book reviews to storytelling workshops and literary analysis, writers on YouTube are leveraging the platform to reach a global audience. If you're looking to collaborate with talented writers who can bring unique perspectives to your brand, YouTube offers a wealth of opportunities.
Why Collaborate with Writers on YouTube?
Writers on YouTube are not just content creators; they are educators, entertainers, and thought leaders who engage their audience through visual storytelling. By partnering with these writers, brands can tap into a dedicated community of viewers who are passionate about literature, writing, and creative expression. Whether you're promoting books, writing tools, or educational services, these influencers can help you connect with an audience that values quality content and intellectual engagement.
Where to Find Writers on YouTube
Writing Channels
Start by exploring channels dedicated to writing and literature. These channels often feature a mix of content, including writing advice, book discussions, and creative exercises. Look for channels with consistent uploads, high engagement rates, and a strong subscriber base. This will give you a sense of the writer's influence and the relevance of their content to your brand.
BookTube Community
The BookTube community on YouTube is a vibrant subculture where readers and writers come together to discuss books, share reviews, and explore literary topics. Many BookTubers are also writers who share insights into their writing process and literary journeys. Engaging with this community can help you find writers who are passionate about storytelling and have a loyal audience of book enthusiasts.
Educational Channels
Educational channels focused on writing skills, grammar, and language are another great place to find influential writers. These channels attract viewers who are eager to learn and improve their writing, making them a perfect fit for brands offering educational products or services. Look for writers who present their content clearly and effectively, as this will reflect their ability to engage and educate their audience.
Influencer Search Tools
To streamline your search, consider using influencer search tools like EezyCollab. EezyCollab allows you to find and connect with writers on YouTube based on their niche, subscriber count, and content type. With features like AI-powered search, outreach management, and detailed analytics, EezyCollab simplifies the process of identifying and collaborating with the right writers for your brand.
Top Writers on YouTube in 2024
The Best College Influencers to Follow in 2024
College influencers are redefining campus culture, sharing their daily lives, study tips, fashion, and more with a growing audience of fellow students. This guide introduces the top college influencers to follow in 2024, highlighting their ability to engage, inspire, and drive trends on campuses across the country.
Why College Influencers Matter
College influencers connect with student audiences through relatable content that resonates with their peers. From study hacks and dorm room decor to campus events and lifestyle advice, they provide authentic insights into college life. Their strong peer influence makes them ideal partners for brands looking to reach young, engaged audiences.
How College Influencers Drive Brand Awareness
Brands collaborate with college influencers to access the student demographic, which is known for being trend-driven and socially connected. These influencers can create buzz around products or services, driving engagement and sales. Through partnerships, giveaways, and sponsored posts, they build credibility and foster brand loyalty among their followers.
How to Choose the Right College Influencer for Your Brand
When selecting a college influencer, look for those with a genuine following, high engagement rates, and content that aligns with your brand values. Consider their influence on their campus and within their community, as well as their ability to authentically promote your brand to a student audience.
College influencers are essential for brands seeking to connect with young, dynamic consumers. Partnering with the right influencers can enhance your brand’s visibility and foster meaningful engagement on college campuses. Here's a list of the top college influencers to follow in 2024:
How to Find Plus Size Influencers to Elevate Your Brand in 2024 (Top List Included)
The body positivity movement has been gaining traction, reshaping the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries by promoting inclusivity and diversity. Plus size influencers are at the forefront of this movement, using their platforms to celebrate body diversity and inspire their audiences to embrace self-love. As we head into 2024, collaborating with plus size influencers can help brands connect with a broader audience, foster inclusivity, and promote body positivity in a genuine way.
Who Are Plus Size Influencers?
Plus size influencers are content creators who focus on body positivity, fashion, lifestyle, beauty, and more, specifically catering to plus size audiences. They often share their personal experiences, styling tips, and product recommendations, and are known for their authenticity and relatability. These influencers empower their followers by promoting self-confidence and challenging traditional beauty standards, making them powerful allies for brands that champion inclusivity.
Why Collaborate with Plus Size Influencers?
Collaborating with plus size influencers allows brands to tap into a growing and engaged audience that values inclusivity and authenticity. These influencers bring a loyal following and a strong sense of community, which can drive meaningful engagement and increase brand visibility. By working with plus size influencers, brands can showcase their commitment to diversity, build trust with consumers, and connect with audiences on a deeper, more personal level.
Where to Find Plus Size Influencers
Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are hotspots for plus size influencers. Use relevant hashtags like #PlusSizeFashion, #BodyPositivity, and #PlusSizeStyle to discover influencers who resonate with your brand. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing, and reach out via direct messages or email to propose collaborations.
Influencer Marketplaces
Influencer marketplaces such as Aspire, Fohr, and Upfluence provide access to a wide range of plus size influencers. These platforms allow brands to search for influencers based on specific criteria such as niche, audience demographics, engagement rates, and more, making it easier to find the right influencers for your campaigns.
Body Positivity Communities and Forums
Online communities and forums dedicated to body positivity and inclusivity, such as Reddit’s r/PlusSize and Facebook groups like “Plus Size Fashion” are great places to find emerging influencers. Engaging in these communities can help you identify potential collaborators who are passionate about plus size representation.
Influencer Search Tools
Influencer search tools like EezyCollab can streamline the process of finding plus size influencers. EezyCollab uses AI-driven analytics to help brands discover influencers based on niche hashtags, audience fit, and engagement metrics. This tool allows you to search, connect, and manage influencer relationships all in one place, ensuring a smooth and efficient collaboration process.
Top Plus Size Influencers on Instagram in 2024
How to Find the Best Skincare Influencers on Instagram in 2024 (Top List Included)
Instagram remains a powerhouse platform for the beauty and skincare industry, where influencers share their routines, product reviews, and expert advice with millions of followers. Skincare influencers on Instagram have the unique ability to shape trends, influence purchasing decisions, and foster brand loyalty. For skincare brands looking to grow their presence, collaborating with the right influencers on Instagram can lead to increased visibility, credibility, and sales.
Why Partner with Skincare Influencers on Instagram?
Skincare influencers on Instagram are trusted voices in the beauty community. They offer authentic reviews, demonstrate product usage, and provide tips for achieving healthy, glowing skin. Their influence extends far beyond product promotion; they build genuine relationships with their followers, who trust their recommendations. For brands, partnering with these influencers can mean tapping into an engaged audience that is eager to discover and try new skincare products. This can significantly boost your brand's reach and credibility within the beauty industry.
Where to Find Skincare Influencers on Instagram
Hashtag Searches
Hashtags are one of the most effective ways to discover skincare influencers on Instagram. Popular hashtags like #Skincare, #SkinCareRoutine, #BeautyTips, and #GlowingSkin are widely used by influencers to categorize their content. By exploring these hashtags, you can find influencers who are actively posting about skincare and engage with their followers. This is a great way to identify influencers who align with your brand’s values and aesthetic.
Explore Page and Instagram Reels
The Instagram Explore page and Reels feature are designed to show users content that matches their interests. For skincare brands, regularly browsing the Explore page and watching Reels related to skincare can help you discover trending influencers. These influencers often produce high-quality, visually appealing content that resonates with a large audience, making them ideal partners for brand collaborations.
Influencer Collaborations and Tags
Another method to find skincare influencers is by checking the tags and mentions on posts from other skincare brands or influencers. Influencers often collaborate with each other, tagging and mentioning their partners in posts. By exploring these tags, you can discover new influencers who are connected to the community and have a strong following.
Influencer Search Tools
Using influencer search tools like EezyCollab can streamline the process of finding skincare influencers on Instagram. EezyCollab allows you to search for influencers based on specific criteria such as niche, engagement rate, and follower count. The platform also offers AI-powered recommendations, outreach management, and performance analytics, making it easier to connect with the right influencers to amplify your brand's message.
Top Skincare Influencers on Instagram in 2024
Must-Follow Educational Instagram Accounts in 2024
Instagram is more than just a photo-sharing platform; it’s also a great place to learn and grow. In 2024, several educational Instagram accounts stand out by providing valuable content on a wide range of topics, from science and history to study hacks and career advice. On this page, discover the top educational accounts to follow for daily insights and inspiration.
1. Why Follow Educational Accounts on Instagram?
Educational Instagram accounts provide quick, engaging content that helps you learn something new every day. From infographics and mini-lessons to videos and quizzes, these accounts make learning accessible and enjoyable, no matter your age or interests.
2. What Makes These Educational Accounts Unique?
The top educational accounts on Instagram use a variety of content formats, such as carousels, reels, and stories, to deliver bite-sized learning experiences. They break down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand posts, making education both fun and effective.
3. Types of Content to Expect
Whether you’re interested in science, math, history, languages, or personal development, these accounts offer a wealth of knowledge. Expect to find study tips, educational memes, motivational quotes, how-to guides, and live sessions with experts that enhance your learning experience.
4. Benefits of Engaging with Educational Content on Instagram
Following educational accounts on Instagram not only helps you stay informed and entertained but also connects you with a community of learners and educators. It’s an easy way to build new skills, find inspiration, and access valuable resources for both personal and professional growth.
By following educational accounts on Instagram, you can turn your scrolling time into an enriching learning experience. Start following these top accounts today to stay informed, curious, and motivated!
Here's a list of top educational Instagram accounts to follow in 2024:
Leverage Finance Influencers to Promote Your Rewards App Effectively in 2024
Finance influencers are trusted voices in the world of personal finance, budgeting, and smart spending. Partnering with them can help you promote your rewards app to a highly engaged and financially savvy audience. Here’s how to leverage finance influencers to effectively market your rewards app in 2024.
1. Collaborate on App Demos and Tutorials
Work with finance influencers to create demos and tutorials that show how your rewards app works. They can walk their audience through the app’s features, explain how to maximize rewards, and share personal experiences. These videos help demystify the app, making it more accessible and appealing to their followers.
2. Highlight Savings and Financial Benefits
Finance influencers can emphasize the financial benefits of using your rewards app, such as cashback, discounts, or earning points for everyday purchases. Influencers who specialize in budgeting, saving, or investing can integrate your app into their content, showing followers how it fits into a smart financial strategy.
3. Use Instagram Stories and Reels for Quick Tips
Short-form content like Instagram Stories and Reels is ideal for sharing quick tips on how to use your rewards app effectively. Encourage influencers to create content around the best ways to earn rewards, redeem points, or save money using your app, helping generate interest and driving app downloads.
4. Partner for Sponsored Blog Posts and Reviews
Finance bloggers can provide in-depth reviews of your rewards app, detailing its features, pros, and cons. Sponsored blog posts can also discuss various money-saving tips and how your app can play a role in a broader financial strategy. This content can improve your app's SEO and provide potential users with the information they need to make an informed decision.
5. Host Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions
Collaborate with finance influencers to host webinars or live Q&A sessions where they discuss the app’s benefits, features, and best practices. This interactive format allows potential users to ask questions, receive real-time feedback, and better understand how your app can enhance their financial journey.
6. Create Challenges and Contests
Encourage influencers to create challenges or contests that incentivize their followers to download and use your rewards app. For example, they could host a “30-day savings challenge” where followers use your app to track their savings progress, offering a reward for the most active participants. This strategy increases engagement and app usage.
Partnering with finance influencers is a strategic way to promote your rewards app to a targeted audience in 2024. By leveraging their expertise and engaging content, you can increase app downloads, boost user engagement, and build credibility in the personal finance space.
Here's a list of top finance influencers for promoting your rewards app in 2024:
Leading Luxury Lifestyle Influencers to Watch in 2024
Luxury lifestyle influencers are the epitome of sophistication and exclusivity, showcasing the finest experiences, fashion, and destinations worldwide. This guide highlights the top luxury lifestyle influencers to follow in 2024, revealing how they inspire affluent audiences and elevate luxury brand narratives.
What Defines a Luxury Lifestyle Influencer?
A luxury lifestyle influencer is known for their impeccable taste, exclusive experiences, and a deep understanding of luxury culture. They curate content that reflects a life of elegance, featuring high-end fashion, exotic travel, gourmet dining, and more. Their influence stems from their ability to personify luxury and captivate an audience that seeks refinement and exclusivity.
Why Luxury Brands Collaborate with Lifestyle Influencers
Luxury brands collaborate with lifestyle influencers to engage with affluent audiences authentically. These influencers help brands position their products as aspirational by showcasing them in luxurious contexts, enhancing brand image, desirability, and loyalty among high-net-worth individuals.
How to Choose the Right Luxury Lifestyle Influencer for Your Brand
When selecting a luxury lifestyle influencer, consider their audience's demographics, engagement levels, and content style. Choose influencers whose followers align with your target market and whose visual aesthetic and storytelling match your brand identity. The right influencer can help elevate your brand's visibility and appeal in the luxury sector.
Luxury lifestyle influencers are key to connecting with discerning consumers who appreciate the finer things in life. Partnering with the right influencers can elevate your brand's prestige and reach. Here's a list of the top luxury lifestyle influencers to follow in 2024:
The Power of B2B Influencer Marketing in 2024
B2B influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses seeking to build authority, generate qualified leads, and drive growth. This guide explores how to effectively use B2B influencer marketing in 2024, highlighting strategies to connect with key decision-makers and elevate your brand’s presence in the marketplace.
Why B2B Influencer Marketing Matters
B2B influencer marketing is about partnering with industry experts who are trusted voices within their niches. Unlike traditional B2C influencers, B2B influencers bring in-depth knowledge, credibility, and a strong professional network. They provide valuable insights, case studies, and recommendations that can significantly influence business decisions and purchasing behavior.
How B2B Influencers Drive Business Impact
B2B influencers create content that educates, informs, and inspires their audience. Through webinars, podcasts, articles, and social media posts, they help position your brand as a thought leader. By amplifying your message to their established audience, they drive higher engagement, build trust, and accelerate the sales cycle.
Strategies for Effective B2B Influencer Marketing
To succeed with B2B influencer marketing, start by identifying influencers who align with your brand values and target audience. Develop a content strategy that leverages their expertise, such as co-creating webinars, whitepapers, or LinkedIn posts. Focus on building long-term relationships and measure the impact through metrics like lead generation, engagement rates, and conversion growth.
B2B influencer marketing is a strategic way to build authority, connect with decision-makers, and accelerate business growth. By collaborating with the right influencers, your brand can gain credibility and reach within your target market. Explore our list of top B2B influencers to watch in 2024 and start building impactful partnerships today.
Debunking Influencer Marketing Myths in 2024
💡 1. You Need a Big Budget to Work with Influencers
Reality: Micro-influencers can be just as effective— and far more affordable!
With EezyCollab, you can find the perfect influencer fit without breaking the bank. Our platform helps you discover hidden gems in your niche who deliver authentic engagement at a fraction of the cos
⏳ 2. Finding the Right Influencer Takes Forever
Reality: With the right tools, you can match with influencers in minutes, not months.
EezyCollab streamlines the process, connecting you with influencers that align perfectly with your brand. Our Al-powered matching system saves you time and ensures you're partnering with the best fit for your campaign.
🎯 3. Bigger Is Always Better
Reality: Mega influencers aren't always the best choice. Sometimes, niche influencers drive more engagement and trust.
EezyCollab helps you find influencers who genuinely resonate with your target audience, regardless of their follower count. Our detailed analytics reveal which influencers truly engage your potential customers.
🧠 4. Influencer Marketing Is All Guesswork
Reality: Data-driven strategies are key to success in influencer marketing.
Be smart about engagement rates, fake followers, and audience demographics. EezyCollab's comprehensive analytics help you track and measure the success of your campaigns, taking the guesswork out of influencer marketing.
🤝 5. Influencer Marketing Is a One-and-Done Effort
Reality: Consistent collaboration builds stronger, more authentic brand-influencer relationships.
EezyCollab supports long-term partnerships by helping you manage ongoing collaborations. Build lasting relationships that deliver sustained results for your brand.